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The Christian Libertarian Review (CLR) is an open access academic publication founded in 2017 by the 501(c)(3) Libertarian Christian Institute (LCI). The purpose of the CLR is to foster intellectual dialogue, exploration, and research surrounding the relationship between Christianity and libertarian thought. As a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary journal, contributions may span into fields of philosophy, political philosophy, theology, ethics, law, economics, anthropology, history, social studies and similar disciplines.

As an academic publication, CLR is blind-reviewed by a team of scholars with terminal degrees in their respective fields. Each annual volume contains full-length articles and critical book reviews. Some accepted articles/reviews may be published online prior to the release date of the volume in which they appear. Contributors come from a wide variety of backgrounds and typically have graduate education and/or professional experience in the business world. The journal publishes contributions primarily by those who identify as “Christian” and “libertarian,” and occasionally by agnostic/atheists/irreligious persons with research contributions relevant to the journal. The intended reader audience is generally upper-class undergraduate or graduate level.

For more information on our license (Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0), see Creative Commons.

ISSN: 2641-0486 (Digital Version)

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