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Abstract: An Extended Review of Boyd’s Crucifixion of The Warrior God (Gausling)

Title: An Extended Review of Boyd’s Crucifixion of the Warrior God 

Author: Nick Gausling

Abstract: Gregory Boyd’s Crucifixion of the Warrior God presents an insightful, thoroughly-researched and historically-grounded thesis regarding how Christians should understand the violence attributed to Yahweh in the Old Testament. Drawing on extensive exegetical and theological considerations in dialogue with the historic and ecumenical Church, Boyd presents a treatise that is both academically rigorous and pastorally conversational. While at times he unnecessarily conflates his thesis with other elements of his theology, Boyd’s book constitutes a very important monograph in the study of hermeneutics and theology proper at this crucial time in Church history when many Christians around the world are reconnecting with the practices and interpretive example set by the ancient Church.

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Abstract: Contextualizing C. S. Lewis’ Christian Libertarianism (Urban)

Title: Contextualizing C. S. Lewis’ Christian Libertarianism: Engaging Dyer and Watson and Beyond

Author: David V. Urban

Abstract: Analyzes C. S. Lewis’ Christian libertarianism by engaging important recent scholarship on Lewis’ natural law-based political thought and by considering both Lewis’ place within Christian classical liberal/libertarian thought since the late eighteenth century and how his insights are germane to contemporary political and ethical controversies.

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Abstract: Christian Libertarianism (Hubner)

Title: Christian Libertarianism: An Introduction and Signposts for the Road Ahead

Author: Jamin Hübner

Abstract: Explicit discourse about “Christian libertarianism” is a relatively recent phenomenon. While relevant concepts have been elucidated throughout scattered publications and private initiatives in the past century, there remains little by way of coherent summary. There are also a number of related subject areas needing clarification and development. This article seeks to ameliorate the situation by attempting to define “Christian libertarianism” and then exploring a number of relevant topics that might need fresh attention.

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